Quality Policy

We have developed and implemented our Quality Policy to ensure that our customers receive products and services that fully meet their requirements. This enables us to satisfy the increasingly stringent demands regarding reliability, supply assurance, and quality.

To achieve this, we commit to:

  • Ensuring that all employees adhere to the guidelines of our quality assurance system.
  • Continuously improving quality by promptly addressing any deviations from our standards.
  • Providing education and training to employees to enhance their quality awareness and equip them to meet the rising demands of our customers.
  • Maintaining an efficient procurement and streamlined warehousing system.

Our primary goal is to achieve customer satisfaction by delivering high-quality products that meet all expectations. We aim to provide comprehensive services, including expert advice, prompt handling of customer inquiries and orders, and timely procurement and delivery.

Declaration of Principles on the Quality Management System

We have implemented a quality management system in compliance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 to meet contractually agreed customer requirements and to effectively plan, execute, and monitor all quality-related activities across our company. This system is practiced throughout the entire organization.

The quality management (QM) documentation, which includes this QM Handbook and related documents such as procedural and work instructions, is mandatory for all employees.

Our senior management-appointed Quality Management Officer is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the QM system, regularly reporting on its performance and necessary improvements (e.g., based on internal audits), and fostering an awareness within the company to meet customers’ requirements.

These measures are designed to implement the company’s Quality Policy, which serves as a binding guideline for quality-conscious, customer-oriented, and responsible service.